ya ever sewed a monkey to a fish?

Marketers get away with a lot, Reader.

Look at PT Barnum back in 1842.

He literally sewed a monkey to a fish and told the world it was a mermaid. Then proceeded to build buzz around it and sell a crazy amount of tickets to see the thing.

Luckily, with the internet? We don't have to make up fish tales (fish tails??) to earn a living.

And we don't need to exaggerate the truth to get the right people to buy.

Someone that’s really good at just “giving it to you straight” is my “email go-to,” Liz Wilcox.

She teaches email marketing in a way that I thought was impossible until I found her on someone's podcast a couple years ago. And actually, she was on mine- back when I had one ;)

She makes it simple.

I know, I know. Everyone says that. But wanna know how I continue to have a read rate of over 2.5%? It’s her. Yep. I use use her templates and have watched all of her trainings and attend her workshops. Photographer friend- you already have enough on your plate- let Liz write to your clients. She’s a literal email magician.

And I’m bringing her up because wow! She’s doing something wild yet again.

Yes, I’m an affiliate, but I’m telling you right now–we all should be excited about this.

She’s got a live round/cohort of her Launch Course coming up from Aug 12-23rd.

Where she teaches us (you guessed it) how to launch….with EMAIL ONLY.


  • Challenges
  • Webinars
  • Fb ads
  • Summits in the front of it

Just straight up email.

And she’s promising something better than “make money while you sleep.”

She’s promising that during our launch? We actually will get some sleep. And eat dinner! And not bite off more than we can chew.

I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a breath of fresh air.

(I just got why they call her the Fresh Princess of Email…hmmm)


I’m inside and I am continually impressed with the low ticket offer for the high-value it produces.

Hope to see you inside soon, too.

PS. This is the last time she’s running this live cohort before the price goes from $400 to $500. So get in now. Even if you can’t make all the live components,….it’s worth it to get in and have access for the lowest price.

Don't want to hear about Liz Wilcox' brilliant course? Click here. You'll stay on my regular e-mails and only miss out on this amazing offer.

Emily Woodruff

Tog & V.A. to Other Tog's.



Hi! I'm a Virtual Assistant for Photographers.

I specialize in helping female photographers to offload their administrative backlog. My newsletter is focused on helping you build your photography business, maintain boundaries and how to continue to love your job in the thick of it.

Read more from Hi! I'm a Virtual Assistant for Photographers.

What's your biggest back-end biz hangup? CRMs Creating Welcome Guides Website Email Marketing Other (hit reply and LMK) We're voting on Threads, too. That's it- that's the email! Emily Woodruff Tog & V.A. to Other Tog's. www.moxieassist.com BUSINESS TOOLS>> SHOP>> PORTFOLIO>> LATEST BLOG POSTS >> P.S. Do you think anything in this email could help a friend or family member? If yes, could you do me a favor and forward it to them? It'll only take you 5 seconds, and this email took me hours to...

I don't usually do this, but I was just scrolling on threads and noticed how SO MANY photographers are feeling "defeated" "lonely" "disconnected" and on and on and on.. so I decided to open a coworking session like.. right now. I'm working for the next hour or so and if you want to join me, grab the link below. Come Hang Emily Woodruff Tog & V.A. to Other Tog's. www.moxieassist.com BUSINESS TOOLS>> SHOP>> PORTFOLIO>> LATEST BLOG POSTS >> P.S. Do you think anything in this email could help a...

moxieassist.com Hey bestie Reader, I gotta tell you. I had this entire 600 word email typed out and hit backspace a little early and I lost EVERYTHING, so here I am- trying this again. (Cue the caffeine thanks). So anyway- now that we're back into the swing of the school year, I figure it's time we get back into the swing of our businesses, right? Most of us are ramping up for the busiest time of year, which mean's that it's even MORE important to have your business in order. So here's 3...